2008年11月26日 星期三

《睡人》第二章〈甦醒記〉- 蘿絲‧R 譯評

《睡人》,奧利佛‧薩克斯著,范昱峰譯,時報出版:台北,1998。 Oliver Sacks, Awakenings, Random House, 1990.

[譯文] 著迷期間,她覺得她的「思想停頓」,只能想到注視的目標。如果注意力被吸引,想法就改變。(頁62)
[原文] During the periods of ‘bewitchment’ or fascination, Miss R. had the feeling that her ‘thoughts had stopped,’ and that she could only think of one thing, the object of her gaze. If, on the other hand, her attention was distracted, the quality of thinking would suddenly change. (p. 81)


[譯評] 由於這個症狀並非持續發生,在此‘periods’一字筆者改譯為「每當出現….的情形」。 “thoughts had stopped”原譯文按字面翻成「思想停頓」,讀起來翻譯味兒稍微重了些,筆者試圖把它改為「腦袋停格」,意思就是腦袋像是被下了蠱,思路突然中斷。而“If, on the other hand, her attention was distracted,”則很明顯又是一個字義上的誤譯,’distract’應該是轉移注意力,而非「注意力被吸引」。因為病患的思路只能跟著所注視的物體走,因此只要拿另一個物體轉移其注意力,則病患的思路也會瞬間跟着改變。

[譯文] 大部份的時候,腦中「空空洞洞,一片空白,完全沒有思想。」好像是被迫擋掉難以忍受的「時間錯誤」--感覺到的年齡和實際年齡之間,有著半個世紀的差距。(頁68)
[原文] For most of the time, however, there is ‘nothing, absolutely nothing, no thoughts at all’ in her head, as if she is forced to block off an intolerable and insoluble anachronism-- the almost half-century gap between her age as felt and experienced (her ontological age) and her actual or official age. (p. 87)


[譯評] 這是一個複合的長句,筆者覺得比較棘手的問題在後面的子句,“the almost half-century gap between her age as felt and experienced (her ontological age) and her actual or official age.” 原譯文中,對於這兩種指涉的不同年齡,只針對所謂的 ‘common English’翻譯 (意即‘felt and experienced’ 和‘actual’ ),類似處理方式在前言部分也出現過,目的為了讓一般讀者容易理解,並且巧妙避開重覆用字。雖然如此,但是這個長句的處理方式仍然不是很清楚,'block off' 翻成「擋掉」就不是很通順—為什麼要「擋掉時間錯誤」呢?因此筆者在此改譯為:她似乎被迫忽略難以忍受且解釋不清的「時空錯亂」(原譯文的「時間錯誤」語焉不詳)。換句話說,患者R小姐似乎被迫跳過患病後到清醒中間差距的五十年,在她清醒後,想不起任何有關這段對她而言「消失」的時光到底發生什麼事。
