[譯文] 這些居於科學研究頂尖地位、經常得在混亂中搶奪研究資源的人,對自己研究的應用潛力通常是三緘其口。(頁14-15)
[原文] For people at the leading edge of scientific research, where findings are often hyped in the scramble for funding, they are oddly reticent about the potential usese of their work. (p. 2)
[譯評] 這句話的問題點出在「經常得在混亂中搶奪研究資源的人」,'hype'正確原意如下,因此這裡應該是指在科學研究的領域,只有在分搶研究經費這塊大餅時,才會到處宣傳自己的研究結果(有點諷刺),但是對於這些研究成果可能應用在哪些地方,他們卻又故作神秘、三緘其口了。
"excessive or misleading publicity or advertising," 1967, Amer.Eng. (the verb is attested from 1937), probably in part a back-formation of hyperbole, but also from underworld slang sense "swindle by overcharging or short-changing" (1926), a back-formation of hyper "short-change con man" (1914), from prefix hyper- meaning "over, to excess." Also possibly influenced by drug addicts' slang hype, 1913 shortening of hypodermic needle. In early 18c., hyp "morbid depression of the spirits" was colloquial for hypochondria (usually as the hyp or the hyps).
[譯文] 那份報導並不正確,太過誇張,而錯誤的訊息深入人心後,不是科學家出面澄清就可以改正過來的。(頁15)
[原文] The story to which the cover related was not inaccurate or sensational-- its fault seemed to be its very existence. (p. 3)
[譯評] 很明顯的,洪教授誤讀了原文。原文裡面明明出現的是'was not inaccurate',負負得正,意思應該是說那份報導字字屬實,內容也沒引起太多注意,問題出在科學家們對於「外行人」的任何報導都覺得很感冒,如此而已。這些吃過虧的科學家才不管你報導的是否屬實,反正只要不是同行,講什麼都會被嫌棄。破折號之後的子句"its fault seemed to be its existence"指的就是這個意思,這篇報導的存在就是它的原罪,它根本不該出現的。
此外,洪教授想像力十足,譯文中間常常出現原文不存在的字句,比方說「萬一他們的研究成果被專以煽情、聳動為訴求的小報拿去大作文章,下場就會跟那些研究基因的學者一樣。」(頁15),這句的原文其實只有'....if their work is ever subjected to the tabloid treatment that has been meted out to their opposite numbers in genetics.' 裡面僅僅提到'tabloid',並沒有她加油添醋的「煽情、聳動」字眼。而'their opposite numbers in genetics' 裡,'opposite' 這個字該翻反而沒翻出來。